Saturday, 13 August 2011

Lovely Lace

The navy Table 8 lace on the left was 
purchased at a factory outlet in the early 1990s.  
The lace on the right was purchased from
Chic Fabrique for a dress.
I have never worn a lot of lace but I love collecting it.  Here are some of the pieces currently in the sewing room collection

This piece of vintage lace was given to me by a friend

This crocheted lace was made by my great
grandmother.  It has been stitched on and
taken off garments over a period of more than sixty years.
This spider web lace, purchased at Tessuti's in Sydney,
formed the outer layer of a wedding dress made
earlier this year.
These tatted sleeve pieces were purchased
at an op shop.
I made this crocheted lace collar in the
late 1960s.  It has been on and off several

This tatted lace collar was made by my
grandmother in the 1950s and has been
on several garments.

Lace pieces purchased from op shops.


  1. Tatting was always one of those techniques I wanted to learn - my mother and aunt are really good at it - I guess there's still time to learn. Do you tat?

  2. I was taught tatting by my grandmother but have not done it for a long time. Among the many tools in my sewing room are several tatting bobbins.
