Monday, 1 August 2011

A Bulge of Buttons

Vintage buttons which have been given to me or have been purchased at craft fairs or markets.
Some of us are compelled to collect.  My collections include fabrics, patterns and buttons.  I had my own small collection and then in 1984 my mother gave me her collection which included buttons previously in the collections of my grandmother and great grandmother.  The collection has grown as I have purchased, made and been given additional buttons. 
Part of the collection which is organised by colour.
Buttons purchased overseas.  On the left are metal buttons from Notting Hill markets in London.  On the right are coconut shell buttons from Samoa.
Polymer clay buttons made at one of the fabulous workshops run by friend Wilma Simmons.  (
Op shop finds.


1 comment:

  1. I love your button collection - something compulsive about looking at and handling buttons whatever their material and shape. Thanks for the mention - you are the polymer clay button queen!
